Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Hearing Gone Awry

Do you ever wonder when your hearing goes awry?
You know He what said when came upon you,
That still small guidance,
Sad that he does not comprehend,
Do you ever wonder when your hearing goes awry?
He showed you something lovingly beautiful,
That still small guidance,
Some won’t submit to Him,
Do you ever wonder when your hearing goes awry?
He lets you glimpse the love He has for you,
That still small guidance,
Maybe he is borne dyslexic,
Do you ever wonder when your hearing goes awry?
Suddenly there is no blame,
That still small guidance,
Knowing does dog not equal God,
Do you ever wonder when your hearing goes awry?
Never questioning the big plan of His,
That still small guidance,
Discerning his pain and the word unfulfilled,
Do you ever wonder when your hearing goes awry?
Realize it is time for another five year hiatus,
That still small guidance,
Struggling to maintain the heart He heals,
With loving patience and self-sacrificing He holds us,
Do you ever wonder when your hearing goes awry?
Because he never knew Him,
That still small guidance,
Him wanting to fulfill you with His treasures,
Seek Him cry after Him soon He will not be found....

Sharon Rose T. ©

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I like this poem. Thanks for visiting my blog. I think I messed up the comment for the beach post; I meant it to be a comment rather than an email. Oh well.