Wednesday, October 1, 2008

A Juniper

Major discoveries, enlighten with the Juniper
Deliberate, family action moves forward To nourish with love and feasting
Discoveries at Juniper a fountain
Deliberate distractions are sent
Together they intervene
Restore and resetting a broken heart

The Juniper vine is blooming
Deliberate water and new beginnings
Ones to Intervene is found anew
Friends and families love to nourish

Living Juniper to flourish
Deliberate care and doting
Conversations intervene and shining
Light to nourish and darkness fleeing

The flowering Juniper strengthening
Deliberate airing and faring
More conversations intervene questioning
Ahh, she is breathing and is nourishing

Sigh of relief for the Juniper will go on
Deliberate pleasantries are restoring
No longer ignoring, conversations intervene
Nourish life, as it is always fragile.

poem Sharon Rose T. ©

Discoveries October 4, 2008
Juniper October 7, 2008 Both Photos FLCKR