transference almost
asking for the key
borders the coast
why, no one can see
this one is for me
transference almost
asking for the key
oh, sea is all we see
really, did not, you see
this one is for me
transference almost,
asking for the key
Artwork by Brooke Shaden
well he did love mereally did not, you see
this one is for me
transference almost
why, no one can see
well he did love me
really, did not, you see
this one is for me
oh, sea is all we see
why, no one can see
well he did love me
really, did not, you see
there is no real key
oh, sea is all we see
why, no one can see
well he did love me
we leave it a mystery
there is no real key
oh, sea is all we see
why, no one can see
dearheart love actually
we leave it a mystery
there is no real key
oh, sea is all we see
she and He could see
dearheart, love actually
we leave it a mystery
there is no real key
her face, full of glee
she and He could see
dearheart, love actually
we leave it a mystery
glee, improper you see?
her face, full of glee
she and He could see
dearheart, love actually
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